Friday, January 3, 2020

Me Feat Shiba San

So..... This past weekend was pretty sick. I got to attend my first Elrow in Las Vegas at Encore Beach Club. Not only did I get to dance like nobody's business, But I got to meet Shiba San. Earlier last year I had an encounter with him at another event. This time I got the opportunity to meet the guy who "Rocks My Socks".

I'm the girl who doesn't pay to get into the event and sneak's into the VIP to get moments like these. Lets just say I have event plugs. Something said "Hey Allie just give it a go". So I cased the VIP area and sure enough there he was. Of course your average groupie chicks where there who have no idea who he is they just know hes a DJ and is some what famous. I on the other hand yelled out "Hey yo Shiba !! Let me get a pic!!". He grabbed my arm and pulled me over and said "Of course".

I could have probably stayed and asked a million questions and acted like a super Nerd, but..... I came for the music and to dance. Its just the bittersweet moments like these that mean the most to me. Thanks again Shiba San for making some great jams for my ear drums. =D.
(below is the pic from earlier this year)

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wax Motif

It was pretty dope to spend my Thanksgiving doing something I love. I needed to get out and remember that life is about enjoying the moments. I took and idea from my classmate and decided to put my twist on it. (( Thank you for inspiring me )). 
I enjoy going to small venues because you get special moments. I have recently been practicng on my shuffling. Lets just say it doesnt look pretty  yet !?! 
Anyhoot Check out these shots I got of Wax Motif

Saturday, November 23, 2019

My Bestfriend

I love my Best Friend. He is the most amazing and intelligent little 10 year old nerd I know. Hes always there when I need him and knows exactly what to say when I'm down. He keeps me on my toes and pushes me to do better. He wipes my tears away when I cry and tells me everything will be alright. He jams with me and sometimes even shares his feel good vibes. He mirrors me and mimics my personality so I definitely have to be a role model.  

The most amazing part is that he calls me Mom. 
I was truly blessed by the heavens when they gave him to me. 

( Just so you know this is a song on his own personal playlist he is showing me for the first time ... Hes sooo ready for his first Rave )

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mr Rogers

If there was any man who would be my celebrity crush it's Mr Rogers. He was a passionate individual who was drive by his love for others. Always seeing the positive in negative situations and allowing his amazing personality to shine through. I'm really excited to see the movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" but Tom Hanks ??!!!😝


.  I can't continue in life with a possibility of having a crush on Forest Gump and being besties with Wilson in the back of my mind.  I can't continue in life with a possibility of having a crush on Forest Gump and being besties with Wilson in the back of my mind

Friday, October 25, 2019

Me feat Born Dirty

This was one of the most epic nights I had in a long time. I got to meet Born Dirty. The coolest part is that he knew my name.. well Allieberry. I like to go to a lot of events, but the more personal ones mean the most. I've got to meet some of my favorites this is just one of the many. I danced all night jammed hard and payed my respects to and awesome individual who rocks my socks. Thanks for making my life a groovier experience.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Wknd Vibes- Icarus


These 2 totally have me in my feels with this track "Sirens". The band Icarus formed in 1997 by cousins Ollie Brown and Sam Britton. They bring a jazz sound to the drum and bass scene with a hint of that classy grime. This has been the jam that set the tone for my entire weekend. I'm sure I looked like a nerd dancing and singing in the car. I imagine people think I'm either throwing fits of rage or interpretive dancing. They say in the car is the one place that people find comfortable enough to be them true selves. AnyHoot!!!! 
 Any suggestions on a good place for window tint ???  =P

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Music on my Mind

I've always let music guide me on my adventure. It gives me the strength to push forward. I love the way it sounds when I'm on the right path. It has a way of speaking to me. Giving me a new song or a different perspective on an old song. Each song on my playlist reminds me of a moment or maybe even a person. 

Studies have shown that listening to music stimulates parts of the brain that enhances memory. As a child I suffered an early life changing event that traumatized me for years. The only thing I could remember from my childhood was being terrified of  "Tales of the Crypt"  just the theme song.
I could never really figure out why it scared me until I was 25.

 My Grandpa described an early childhood home of mine. Instantly!! like a wave I remembered the entire incident. During the most critical moment the theme song was playing. The odd thing is music always has a weird way of doing that to me. In good times, bad, life changes, depression,working out, or even that extra confidence boost before giving your presentation. Its always there when I need it most. Music is totally the boyfriend of my dreams. <3

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Summer 2019

Feed Me - Pumpkin Eyes (feat. Chaney)
Does anyone else have a song that reminds them of their summer fling? That one special track you played over and over because it made you feel good. I have over 1,356 songs on this playlist alone and this track has played a total of 62 times from June to the end of August. So here is where I plan to retire this track and move it to my forever jams stash and play it when I need to re-live Summer 2019.